- Accommodation and food: 50.00 Euro
- Transportation: 50.00 Euro
- Activities: 50.00 Euro
- Hosting organisation support: 150 Euro

Description: BRIEF HISTORY OF THE PROJECT COMMUNITY: Damango is a community located in the West Gonja Municipality in the Savannah Region. It is the capital of the Region as well. The main occupation of the people is farming, shear butter production, bee keeping and cattle rearing. The people of Damango have a unique festival known as “fire festival” and it is celebrated in August every year. The community is endowed with several tourist attractions such as the Mole National Park, Larabanga Ancient Mosque and the Mystic Stone. The community has internet facility. The people of Damango are very friendly. Welcome volunteers!
Type of Work: DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: This project is aimed at providing deprived school children in the Damango community teaching lessons in areas of Mathematics, English, French, ICT and Science. Volunteers will teach from Mondays –Fridays from 8AM-2PM each day. There are organized weekend tourist activities for volunteers.
Accommodation: ACCOMODATION: Volunteers will live with host families. They will be provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Volunteers will learn the culture of the locals and vice versa. Volunteers are advised to come along with mosquito nets, working boots (for tree planting project), nose mask, water bottle, medication, flash lights, bed sheets, games/musical instruments, social/casual clothes, toiletries and other personal needs necessary for camping.
Language: ENGLISH
Requirements: PRACTICAL INFORMATION: Each international volunteer pays Є300. The fee covers the following: • Airport pick-up on arrival by WOSOVO. • Hotel stay for two nights to familiarize with the city of Accra before moving to project community. • The volunteer will pay transportation from Accra to His/her Placement site and back to Accra after the completing of his/her program.
Approximate Location: : Damango is a community located in the West Gonja Municipality in the Savannah Region. It is the capital of the Region as well. The main occupation of the people is farming, shear butter production, bee keeping and cattle rearing. The people of Damango have a unique festival known as “fire festival” and it is celebrated in August every year. The community is endowed with several tourist attractions such as the Mole National Park, Larabanga Ancient Mosque and the Mystic Stone. The community has internet facility. The people of Damango are very friendly. Welcome volunteers!
Camp Photographs