Natural spaces recovery in Arbúcies (Catalonia)
Description: The project will be carried out in mountainous town of Arbúcies, focusing on the rehabilitation of an old dry pond and the river stream. The work will mainly consist of conditioning the pond, restore it by building a small wall, planting the necessary vegetation, and finally redirecting the river and reintroducing some species that are considered key to its biodiversity. In addition to that, similar complementary works in other sections of the park / stream might be carried out to.
Type of Work: The main purpose is to rehabilitate a dry ~100m2 pond. This will involve cleaning up the space (removing soil, uprooting weeds...) and rehabilitation tasks (planting plants, building a small wall, shaping the ground ...). Working conditions will be 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week (Mon-Fri). Most basic and low complexity instruments (shovels, spades ...) will be used. Volunteers will not have to swim or dive in the pound, as water will only come through once all rehabilitation tasks will be finished.
Study Theme: Several activities can be organised depending on the group: from activities in the town to trips to Girona(45km) or Barcelona(80km). Moreover, board games, access to the public swimming pools and a small budget for free-time activities will be provided to the volunteers. Apart from that, thanks to its privileged environment, nature lovers will have the opportunity to explore the surroundings of Arbúcies and hike to specific points of interest, either alone (with a map provided) or with locals. A guided visit to the Castell de Montsoriu, the most important Gothic castle in Catalonia, is a must!
Accommodation: The high school gym will be facilitated as an accommodation, with non-mixed toilets, showers, electricity and hot water. As for the kitchen, volunteers will be given access to the school kitchen and canteen, where they will be able to cook their own food.
Language: English will be the language in the camp; basic conversational skills are needed. Catalan or Spanish skills are also welcome.
Requirements: During the day temperatures can easily surpass 30º, so summer fresh clothes for physical work are required. However, it can get pretty cold at night. Some tasks can be demanding and require a good physical condition.
Notes: Additional Fee of €50.00
This fee will cover - local hosting costs; insurance costs of the volunteer; a small travel fund to enable disadvantaged volunteers to join projects; administration costs of SCI International.
If you reside in a country where there is an SCI branch and you apply through the SCI branch the fee will be included in the fee you pay to your sending branch. If you apply through a partner organisation you will pay the fee on arrival at the project; direct to the hosting SCI branch or through different payment platforms. When accepted on the project, the SCI branch will give you more details of the various payment options. Here is the link to the SCI web, to check which is an SCI branch or SCI partner.