Hilly, greenly, happy (Hirschau near Tübingen)
Description: Get involved in manual work in the beautiful nature and open-hearted village life. This ecology-workcamp is a cooperation with the regional office for nature and landscape protection in Tübingen and the regional organisation for the preservation of the cultural heritage. Two hills of a former wine-growing area near the famous old university town of Tuebingen in Hirschau are well-known as a habitat for rare and endangered species and have been declared nature reserves. These areas have to be maintained regularly so that bushes and trees do not overrun the vegetation.
Type of Work: In cooperation with experts woods and meadows have to be cut and cleared and dead wood has to be removed from the protected area.
Study Theme: Agriculture and environment, ecological problems, biotope- and nature protection, geology, study tour to explore flora, fauna and habitat, history of Tübingen.
Accommodation: In a municipal building on camp beds with modern kitchen and sanitary facilities. You will cook together in the community kitchen.
Language: English
Requirements: Interest in ecological topics, being prepared for physical work. INCOMING FEE for volunteers applying via partner organisations and contacts of SCI: https://sci-d.de/incomingfee
Approximate Location: Hirschau, Tübingen
Notes: As a vivid university town, Tübingen has numerous pubs and, of course, an active nightlife. It is also a town of historical significance, with many famous half-timbered buildings and the fishing opportunity in the river Neckar (a specialty unique to Tübingen in Germany).