Masnatur Madrid
Description: MASNATURA works to promote, through entertainment activities, the integral development of people with disabilities (especially children and young people) and to provide respite time for their families. The absence of autonomy, associated with disability, means an overload of work for family members. These families are faced with a time to rest or to devote to their other children. MASNATUR's activities provide them with this respite space during all of the projects that the organisation is involved in. Another element of inclusion provided by MASNATUR is the possibility of sharing these activities with other people and being enriched by the group. Many people with disabilities, especially children and young people, did not enjoy leisure outside their family or school environment.
Type of Work: 1. Accompanying the residents: from everyday living in the guesthouse.
- Participate and encourage the various activities of leisure time that are developed from the House, encouraging everyone and helping those having greater difficulties (being in a wheelchair or walking with difficulty)
- Collaborate on hygiene of the less valid for the development of their daily activities.The proposal activities will be to accompany the residents during:
- every morning at the swimming pool;
- nature excursions;
- on space day;
- water games;
- Spartan aquatic races;
- Games about exotic countries;
- Pirates games and workshops;
- Science workshop.
Study Theme: Reflection on social exclusion from the perspective of exclusion.
Accommodation: It is in Granja Escuela. Farm of 8 hectares, with wooded and wild areas, near the Tagus River. Hot water, heating and air conditioning. Teachers' area 2 dining rooms Children's dining room Kitchen Adapted bathrooms Multifunctional and psychomotricity room Rest and audiovisual room. Bedrooms with basic conditions.
Language: Spanish
Requirements: → A certificate of crimes of a sexual character is required to participate in the workcamp. →Participation in the workcamp is open to young people over 16 years of age. --Level B1 of Spanish
Approximate Location: Finca Granja Escuela - Dehesa de la Alarilla s/n, 28597 Fuentidueña de Tajo (Madrid)
Notes: In 2023 many SCI workcamps will have an additional fee of €50.00. This will cover - local hosting costs; insurance costs of the volunteer; a small travel fund to enable disadvantaged volunteers to join projects; administration costs of SCI International.
If you apply through an SCI branch the fee will be included in the fee you pay to your sending branch. If you apply through a partner organisation you will pay the fee on arrival at the project; direct to the hosting branch or through different payment platforms. When accepted on the project the host branch will give you more details of the various payment options.