Holiday Festival Camp & International Volunteers Day
- Accommodation and food: 0.00 Euro
- Transportation: 0.00 Euro
- Activities: 0.00 Euro
- Hosting organisation support: 300 Euro
Description: This is a special holiday camp where the participants or volunteers will find a way to exchange culture, sustainable life style and thus share best practices about belief, history, arts and culture. It is also planned to engage in festival and visits to historical places including monuments and galleries. The project will seek to encourage volunteerism and also plan major activities around celebrating International Volunteers Day. Being a Holiday Camp, volunteers will go in group and peers to traditional events and learn about the world of history. Opportunity will also be available to engage in a non-formal education and implant the ideas behind Waste Reduction, Recycle and Re-Use (3 Rs).
Type of Work: Volunteers will plant trees and flowers and also carry out a beautification project at a public monument at Badagry. Participate in the International Volunteers day and also take part in Volunteers Expo usually organized last month of the year. This is a special holiday camp where the participants or volunteers will fnd a way to exchange culture, sustainable life style and thus share best practices about belief, history, arts and culture. It is also planned to engage in festival and visits to historical places including monuments and galleries. The project will seek to encourage volunteerism and also plan major activities around celebrating International Volunteers Day. Being an holiday camp, volunteers will go in group and peers to traditional events and learn about the world of his
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay together in the permaculture centre. The facilities within the centre are basic, with shared room, shower, and kitchen. Please bring your own sleeping bag.
Language: ENGLISH
Requirements: Volunteers should be open to new cultures, enthusiastic to exchange/learn about environmental issues. Please come working gloves, water proof clothes and booths
Approximate Location: The workcamp will be held at the Permaculture Forest Garden (Environmental Education Centre) project in Badagry Lagos, which is part of the peninsular which separates the Lagoon of Lagos from the Atlantic Ocean.
Notes: There will be social nights and cultural weekends. So volunteers should come with cultural habits and possible costumes and cookies to denote their culture. Intercultural cooking competition will be done at camp. Visits will be made to ancient relics and galleries. Excursion will be made to slave monument and relics in Nigeria. An extra fee (optional) Will be requested to visit slave camp or gallery and other tourist centres and Badagry Beach – this is optional.