Music Festival (Moers near Duisburg)

Description: Moers festival is a music festival which exists for 53 years and represents all kinds of music that aren´t mainstream. Besides concerts on different stages, you can find panels and discussions about political and cultural topics and there are happenings everywhere around the city of Moers. A festival market where jewelery, clothes, food and drinks are sold can be found in the parc and you can also camp on the festival site. Every year hundreds of artists from all around the world play at moers festival and thousands of visitors are happily watching the concerts and happenings in the whole city.
Type of Work: Before the festival starts, we have to build the stages, finish and install the decoration, hang up signs and posters, prepare the festival site. After the festival everything has to be dismantled and the festival site has to be tidied. During the festival the participants are going to help controlling the entrances, assist preparing the backstage areas, help with catering and support the artists, do errands and patrols, play minor roles in videos and the stream and sell merchandise.The tasks vary and might change during the days. Some work is physical, some is interactive, sometimes work alone, sometimes in a team. Please note: You also work on weekends and not always together with other Workcamp members, but of course you get enough (group) time for free time in total.
Study Theme: The participants get the opportunity to get insights into the procedure of a festival. They experience what it needs to set up an international music festival and get to know different tasks during the festival. During the festival they also get the chance to see the concerts and happenings and are able to talk to the artists and crew. There is also enough time to get to know the other volunteers and exchange experiences.
Accommodation: In the facilities of the SCI:Moers, camp beds available, please bring a sleeping bag and a pillow. Shower, toilet, large kitchen and common room are available.The participants get to eat on the festival site. During the construction and dismantling phase they are going to eat with the crew and during the actual festival they are going to have access to the artist and crew catering (a starter, main dish, dessert + drinks, snacks and bread rolls will be served).
Language: English, German
Requirements: Interested in festivals and culture, willing to do physical work, openness and motivation for new tasks
Approximate Location: The festival site is located close to the Schlosspark Moers and consists out of three main stages, a festival market, a camp ground and several small and constantly changing stages. There are also concerts and happenings taking place in the city center and in different shops
Notes: As the festival takes place on a weekend (17 - 20 May 2024), the participants (unlike at other work camps) do not have this weekend off, but work during the week as on the other days. INCOMING FEE of 50€ for volunteers applying via partner organisations and contacts of SCI
Camp Photographs