Akame 1
- Accommodation and food: 0.00 Japanese Yen
- Transportation: 0.00 Japanese Yen
- Activities: 0.00 Japanese Yen
- Hosting organisation support: 9000 Japanese Yen

Description: This project is actively working for SDGs 15 (Life on Land), organized together with "Akame no SATOYAMA wo Sodateru kai", a local environmental organization for conservation of SATOYAMA forest working in Nabari city, since 1999. Because this area is relatively close to the big cities between Osaka and Nagoya, there were plans to build a golf field and a disposal center. However, the local people stopped those plans by collecting donations and buying the land. SATOYAMA needs to be maintained by humans for its biodiversity and water adjustment function. Our ancestors had protected and utilized the forest in an ecological and sustainable way, which has been neglected by modernization at many places in Japan.
Type of Work: Activities related to conservation of satoyama and agriculture using satoyama. Clearing undergrowth and tending thickets, transporting hodagaki woods for growing safe shiitake mushrooms in Fukushima, and maintaining walking trails. Also help with looking after cage free chickens, processing adult chickens and mushroom cultivation. Some work with saws and machinery, sometimes even in the rain. Having fun attitude to hard work is important! Volunteers sometimes work with mentally/physically challenged people who work at the same place.
Study Theme: Volunteers will acquire the knowledge of conservation work in SATOYAMA forest.
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in a regular Japanese house. Meals will be cooked by volunteers by turns. Sleeping bag is NO need. Depends on the amount of work and consideration for the environment, volunteers may take a shower once every two days. Water might be only cold.
Language: eng
Requirements: Strong motivation and physical strength are highly needed.
Approximate Location: Workcamp is held in Kami-mitani area, Nabari city, Mie prefecture, about 60 km from Osaka. There are famous falls nearby that many hikers visit.
Notes: Other activities: Hiking, opportunity communicate with local people, etc.
Outcome of this workcamp: Over the last 20 years, 30 ha of SATOYAMA forest has been maintained by the previous volunteers. Please see the presentation of the camp leader for the IVS contest in Japan; https://www.slideshare.net/nice-workcamp/w55 (only Japanese for the moment, but you can at least enjoy the pictures!).
Camp Photographs