Youth Island 2024
Description: UngdomsEen (aka Youth Island) is an island located just a short ferry ride from Copenhagen.UngdomsEens mission is to strengthen young people in their journey to become active, committed, and curious citizens who take responsibility for each other, for their communities, and for the development of our societies.The island is an old sea fortress full of places to hide and get lost. In 2015 it was acquired and donated to the Danish Scout movement. With major help from foundations and after 4 years of renovation, 130 million DKK, and 70.000 hours of voluntary work, UngdomsEen opened in August 2019 and is now invaded by the youth.UngdomsEen has an area of 50,000 m2. Inside the island there are more than 16,000 m2 and 1.8 km of underground pathways, so even though the island may seem small from a distance there is plenty of space for activities and expeditions.All of our actions at UngdomsEen are based on our vision: To be an Island for the youth. Everything we do on the Island aims at creating an inviting environment/project for, with, and by young people.Your main contacts will be three young volunteers, Lenny (they/them), Jens (he/him), and Kat (she/her), who have lived on the Island since August 2023.If you want to know more about the Island and our visions, check out: (Danish), or island-in-rsund (English)
Type of Work: You will actively contribute to renovating and creating an inviting and exciting environment on the Island. As stated, this is an Island for the youth, which is why this Work Camp will focus on projects that aim at building, renovating, and fixing things inside as well as outside the island. This year we want to focus on creating a welcoming environment on the harbor quay in various ways. We need to make a restoration of the windows in the old fortress. Cleaning the beach for seaweed and creating a beautiful greenhouse garden are also projects that will make the youth feel at home on the island. Lastly, we also want to help the operations team with the projects they are occupied with.We will be ready to help and guide you throughout the camp, so there are no expectations of your previous practical experience. The most important thing is that you want to join us in creating the best possible place for the youth to hang out and realize their dreams.At UngdomsEen we value the environment, so we will do our very best effort to make sure that we build sustainably and environmentally friendly through and through.UngdomsEen is a place full of potential and opportunities. A place to hang out, do activities and create encounters between young people of all kinds. It is of utmost importance, that we create the most awesome environment from where awesome projects can arise.
Accommodation: Sleeping bathroom facilities:You will be sleeping in one of our dormitories with places for 8 or 10 persons. We will provide a mattress, duvet, and pillow. We recommend that you bring your linen and towel, but it can also be rented in our kiosk for 120 DKK. There are lots of new restrooms and baths and there is a washing machine at your disposal.Meals kitchen facilities:We will be cooking together in smaller teams in our communal kitchen. Do you have any allergies or preferences, just let us know before arrival. In addition, two times a week a small group of us will sail to Copenhagen to do grocery shopping (paid for by the Youth Island).Overall prepare yourself to spend lots of time outdoors enjoying the amazing view and breeze from the sea. In case of bad weather, we do have plenty of indoor spaces and facilities that we can use. WIFI is available.Most of the work will be done outside, on the island in the middle of the ocean where it can be windy, so bring clothes for both warm and cold weather.
Language: eng,
Requirements: English will be the only language spoken. All participants must be willing to speak English, even though they are from the same country or have trouble with the English language. Try your best
Approximate Location: You are going to spend your off-time on the Island; thus, we will be planning some social activities like kayaking, stand-up- paddle-boarding, campfires, and a day trip to Copenhagen.
Camp Photographs