Keep Calm and Mow Meadows! (Schelingen near Freiburg)

Description: The ‘Kaiserstuhl’ is a small volcanic mountain in the middle of the Upper Rhine Plain near Freiburg and one of the most famous wine regions in Germany. Of great importance are also the dry areas with a variety of rare animal and plant species, which is why large parts of the ‘Kaiserstuhl’ are under protection. They require regular care so that trees and bushes do not displace the special vegetation. Due to the sensitivity of the region and the sometimes steep slopes, no heavy vehicles and equipment can be used and physical work as 100 years ago is in the program. And here is where you come into play! During the work, you will be supervised by a warm and competent team and have a breathtaking view of the surrounding hills!
Type of Work: Mowing meadows in cooperation with the staff of the local organisation, responsible for the nature protection and landscape management; raking hay on steep slopes. Building fences for goats, other land maintenance work
Study Theme: Information about flora, fauna, habitat and protection of the wine-growing horticulture; Learning about vineyards and wine growing; tasting wine; geological information about the Oberrheingraben and volcanism; study tour with the eco-mobile to explore flora, fauna and habitat.
Accommodation: In the village hall on mattresses (please bring a sleeping bag with you) ; kitchen and sanitary facilities are available,Cooking together in the group Trip to Feldberg, the highest hill in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest), and to Freiburg
Language: English
Requirements: Interest in ecological themes; being prepared for physical work in the nature in a slope position (you should be in a good physical condition!); ability to ride a bike Sturdy shoes (mountain boots) required!
Notes: INCOMING FEE for volunteers applying via partner organisations and contacts of SCI:
Camp Photographs