„Living diversity in the small town of Prettin“ (Lichtenburg Castle / Saxony-Anhalt)

Description: In the small town of Prettin, you will find the Gedenkstätte KZ Lichtenburg Prettin, a memorial site with a modern exhibition about the former concentration camp Lichtenburg. In June 1933, just a few months after the takeover of power by the National Socialists, a concentration camp was opened at the former Renaissance castle in the middle of Prettin. At first, almost entirely political opponents of the Hitler regime were imprisoned, according to ideological reasons people followed. After its disbanding in August 1937, it served as a concentration camp for female prisoners, from 1941 to 1945 as a subcamp of Sachsenhausen concentration camp. More than 10.000 people were imprisoned there. Their daily life was characterized by hunger, mistreatment, and forced labor.
Type of Work: The participants are involved in cleaning and maintaining the outdoor area and the former “bunker”, which was closed from mid-2022 to mid-2023 due to construction work. Almost all of the original fabric of the castle complex has been preserved. The volunteers will build furniture from Euro pallets for the entrance to the memorial, which was designed by architecture students as part of a development project. They develop an art project to enhance the public's perception of Prettin of Lichtenburg Castle and the memorial site. Finally, they prepare and hold a public event to present the work they have done.
Study Theme: The memorial site is a place for learning about the National Socialist crimes that took place here and the conditions under which they could have happened. “Study part” does not mean dry learning units! A variety of learning opportunities are offered. It will be about the history of the various concentration camps in Lichtenburg Castle and forms of remembrance and memorial culture. To find out something about the perception of the castle and the memorial among locals, there will be meetings with groups and individuals from the region.
Accommodation: The participants will sleep in large tents on the campsite "Touristenzentrum" right next to a swimming lake. Camping beds are provided. Please bring a warm sleeping bag, a bed sheet and, if necessary, a pillow. There are good showers, toilets and WiFi at the campsite. It is a really nice and safe place. There is a cozy cottage in the Touristenzentrum with kitchen facilities for self-catering, shared meals and as a lounge.
Language: Camp languages are English and German. When meeting the Prettin population, it is ensured that there are people there who can translate if necessary.
Requirements: What is important is enthusiasm and interest in the memorial topic and the group, an interest in the people who live in Prettin and a desire to camp. It is essential to bring a warm sleeping bag and a bed sheet for the camping bed.
Approximate Location: There is a beautiful landscape around Prettin which can be explored while hiking. Prettin is located on the Elbe cycle route “Elberadweg”, one of the most beautiful cycle paths in Europe, which runs along the banks of the Elbe from the Czech Republic to the North Sea. Since all volunteers receive free bicycles, it is possible to go on group trips here. The “Touristenzentrum” campsite offers many leisure activities directly at the accommodation, such as swimming, mini golf and bowling. A trip to Lutherstadt Wittenberg is planned, and a trip to Leipzig is possible.
Notes: If the participants are interested, it is possible to organize a dragon boat trip on the Elbe together with members of the local dragon boat club. A dragon boat is an open boat, like a long canoe, for up to 20 paddlers who have to coordinate well. You can get an impression on one of the photos.
Camp Photographs