„Invasive Aliens Action Days“ – International Workcamp in the Nationalpark Gesäuse

Description: Biodiversity-rich places like the Gesäuse are under threat. Get your hands dirty and support the nature protection work in the Gesäuse National Park. Experience the wilderness of Gesäuse National Park and contribute to the battle against invasive alien species at the same time! If this sounds like a perfect match for you, join our international workcamp in the Gesäuse National Park!
Type of Work: We will remove invasive plants to prevent irreversible anthropogenic effects on sensitive ecosystems. We will also have time to get to know each other and enjoy the summer in the mountains.
Study Theme: You will gather knowledge of the region of the National Park Gesäuse and its flora and fauna. Furthermore, you will gain hands-on experience in managing invasive plant species.
Accommodation: You will be staying at the campsite Gstatterboden inside the national park. The facility is equipped with dormitories, bath rooms and a common kitchen. Volunteers are accommodated in the dormitories. You will need a sleeping bag. Regular public transport is available. The next supermarket is approximately 10 km away.
Requirements: We will work 5 days, 1 day off in between and the arrival and departure day. The work will be physical and in steep terrain. Some basic fitness as well as solid ankle-high hiking boots are required. Before you sign up for this camp, PLEASE make sure that you are healthy enough to participate. Please send us the motivation letter and let us know the reason why you want to take part at the camp.
Approximate Location: The national park Gesäuse covers part of the Enns Valley river landscape and is located in the heart of Austria. It is famous for a huge diversity of habitats due to a difference in altitude of approximately 1500 meter. Because of the national park philosophy to not intervene in nature processes, you can find unique ecosystems in that area. There is no place in Austria with more endemic species.