Defending Remembrance - Taking a stand against the right (Hamburg-Neuengamme)

Description: In Germany and many countries around the world, we are experiencing a massive shift to the right. Right-wing, e.g. racist, anti-Semitic or anti-queer attitudes and attacks are on the rise. The work of memorials to the crimes of National Socialism is also being attacked. The work camp will deal with this development and its impact on commemoration. During World War II, the Neuengamme concentration camp was expanded into the central concentration camp in north-west Germany with over 85 satellite camps. As a result of the principle of "extermination through labor" pursued by the SS, almost half of the approximately 100,000 prisoners who were deported from all over Europe died. Today, the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial is a place of remembrance, information, education and research.
Type of Work: The practical work of this work- and studycamp builds on the work of previous workcamps and supports the work of the memorial by cleaning information boards and memorials, or gardening work on the grounds. The building in which the workcamp is housed is to be converted into a seminar house in the future. We test the building with the workcamp participants and determine which changes to the building would be useful for future groups. Together, we consider how the building can be made more "homely". For example, individual rooms in the building could be named after former prisoners and decorated with photos, pictures and short biographies to commemorate them.
Study Theme: The work and study camp begins with an intensive examination of the history of Neuengamme concentration camp. Various experts from the field of remembrance culture are invited for discussions, as well as members of the so-called 2nd generation, children of former prisoners and perpetrators. The participants document their experiences in the memorial's social media presence and in their own articles in a local newspaper. In argumentation and attitude training sessions, participants can strengthen and expand their knowledge of right-wing and discriminatory statements and empower themselves.
Accommodation: The group has the building at its disposal, which is to become a seminar house in the future. There are shared rooms with beds. Cooking and eating will also take place in the building or in large, well-equipped tents, depending on the weather and the size of the group. The accommodation is located on the grounds of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial.
Language: The common language will be English, i.e. at least a good knowledge of English or German is a prerequisite for participation.
Requirements: Interest in the history of National Socialism, right-wing extremism and racism as well as initiative. A good knowledge of English or German is important to understand the study part
Approximate Location: The Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial is located on the outskirts of Hamburg. The city center can be reached in an hour by public transport. Excursions to Hamburg are possible. Hamburg has 1.8 million inhabitants and the largest port in Germany. The city is very beautiful, with the flair of a cosmopolitan port city, interesting architecture and it offers more than 60 theaters, 100 clubs and over 60 museums. The North Sea and Baltic Sea are approx. 100-150 km away.
Notes: INCOMING FEE for volunteers applying via partner organizations and contacts of SCI:
The Neuengamme Memorial is one of SCI Germany's oldest cooperation partners. The first work camp in 1982 laid out the first paths on the former camp grounds and put up the first information boards. The memorial is the result of political disputes from the post-war period to the present day. For decades, there were two prisons on the site, meaning that the majority of the former concentration camp grounds were not accessible to the public for a long time.
Camp Photographs