Jøssåsen Landsby, Hommelvik
- Accommodation and food: 0.00 Euro
- Transportation: 0.00 Euro
- Activities: 0.00 Euro
- Hosting organisation support: 50 Euro
Description: Jøssåsen Landsby is a community (village) for and with adults with disabilities. Jøssåsen is part of the Camphill movement. There are 6 similar villages in Norway. These communities are based on the teachings of anthroposophy. Situated on a biodynamic farm, Jøssåsen has 5 family houses and several workshops. There are app. 40 people living in the community. 3 - 5 villagers plus 3-4 co-workers live in each house. about 10 people from the local community come to Jøssåsen daily to do various jobs..
Type of Work: The work will be outdoors: Establishing and maintenance of fences and paths, transport of materials, painting, gardening and preparing of food.
Accommodation: We offer cabins or rooms to the volunteers.
Language: English
Requirements: Special community rules has to be followed during the workcamp: No use of drugs.
Approximate Location: Hommelvik, near the town Trondheim (40 km).