APLEC Festival - Together, the people, keep the momentum

Description: The Aplec dels Ports is a day of celebration and revindication that is held annually in the towns of the historic region of Els Ports. (Castello). It was held for the first time in 1978 and since then it has been repeated annually, with the exception of 2006 and 2020. It is a self managed festival.
The Aplec gathers several thousand people annually and combines both recreational activities such as concerts or theaters, as well as other more revindictive ones focused on the defense of the language and culture of the region as well as the demand for improvements in the infrastructures, such as the healthcare sistem, the roads for the towns of the region... etc . It is common among the editions of the Gathering that each one has a slogan that emphasizes the revindictive nature.
Type of Work: The work will consist on the following: -Assisting with setting up stages, tents, tables, chairs and other infrastructure before the festival begins and dismantling & cleaning up afterwards.
- Helping with the organization and coordination of festival activities, including managing schedules, guiding participants, and ensuring a smooth operation of events by providing information.
- Distributing promotional materials, engaging with the community.
- Helping with the preparation, & distribution of food and beverages at the festival.
- Cultural Exchange Activities: Participating in and creating cultural exchange activities, workshops, or performances.( depending on how motivated and creative you wanna be! )
Study Theme: Resilience, culture and Valencian traditions. There will be workshops during the days of the festival about anifascism and feminism. There will also be a Valencian human castles workshop ¨Muixeranga¨. You will learn from and listen to valencian and catalan groups. Meet and learn how a self-sustained and self-managed festival mainly organized by neighbours comes to existence.
Accommodation: The accommodation will be in a flat & matresses will be provided. During the 2 main days of the festival you will sleep for 1 or 2 nights in tents (on the camping provided by the festival) so that you can enjoy the experience to the fullest.
Language: The language of the camp will be English but the neighbors usually speak Valencian (dialectal catalan)
Approximate Location: Sorita and Palanques two towns located on Els ports, Catellon province.
Notes: IMPORTANT Additional Fee: In 2024 many SCI workcamps will have an additional fee of €50.00.
If you apply through an SCI branch the fee will be included in the fee you pay to your sending branch. If you apply through a partner organisation you will have to pay the fee on arrival at the project; direct to the hosting branch or through different payment platforms. When accepted on the project the host branch will give you more details of the various payment options.
Camp Photographs