80 years since World War II – remember, learn, act

Description: 80 years after the events of World War II, we still see wars being waged across the world. What can we learn from our past mistakes? We organize this camp in Yamaguchi which is located next to Hiroshima. We'll discuss about the threats of nuclear weapons, which have become relevant again in today’s climate. We'll also learn about the atrocities done by the former Japanese army in other Asian countries during WWII and how we can remember them critically. Through the workcamp, participants volunteer themselves in various physical work to support the local community. We believe that by working together, the participants will have a better understanding of each other. In this camp, we invite you to reflect about the mistakes of our past, & in turn, find way to take action for a better future.
Type of Work: This camp will include a few hours of both physical and intellectual work every day. Physical work will include renovating and cleaning up empty abandoned houses in the location of the camp, maintaining a community library and taking care of animals in the community. The intellectual work will be related to the study part (see below).
Study Theme: There will be a big emphasis on studying in this camp. We will learn and discuss different cases of human suffering from Japan, the places that Japan occupied and other places around the world during World War II. Among other things, we will hear from activists who have supported hibakusha (people who survived the nuclear bombs in 1945). Together, we will produce a small zine (amateur magazine) based on our learnings and discussions.
Accommodation: We will be accommdated at a house in a village in Yamaguchi prefecture in the southwest of Japan.
The volunteers will stay in the house of the Ito family where tents are set up for volunteers inside the house.
Volunteers need to bring bed sheets or a sleeping bag.
Language: We will speak English in the group. However there might be possibility that some participants from Japan have difficulties in communicating in English.
Requirements: NEW INCOMING FEE for volunteers applying via Partner organisations and Contacts of SCI.
Approximate Location: Sasao region, Hagi city, Yamaguchi prefecture, Japan
Notes: Mr.&Ms. Ito will be our host who are actively invloving the community development in the remote area of Yamaguchi prefecture. SCI Japan has been working with them since 2015 for the community development as well as promoting culture of peace.