Experience Renewable Energies I (Glücksburg near Flensburg at the Baltic Sea)

Description: The Energy Transition Without Dependence on Gas, Oil, or Coal – (How) Is It Possible? The Center for Sustainable Development "artefact" is 100% self-sufficient in renewable energy. Located in Glücksburg on the Flensburg Fjord, near the Danish border, this non-profit organization runs a clay-architecture guesthouse and a climate park for tourists and visitors. They also host projects and seminars on global learning. To keep the buildings, climate park, and nature experience area in top shape, ongoing repairs and expansions are needed. Join other volunteers in maintaining and enhancing the park, ensuring it remains an inspiring place for visitors!
Type of Work: Join us in the construction of a straw bale house and help with maintenance and landscaping in the Climate Park for visitors. Get hands-on with building and renovation tasks like woodworking, painting, gardening, and upkeep such as mowing the meadow and weeding. A special highlight: On the first work camp weekend, a youth competition with a solar car race is planned – and you can be part of it! Join the project – it’s fun!
Study Theme: Climate change, the use of renewable energies, and sustainable construction – possibly including the strategy game "Changing the Game" to simulate a European energy transition. How are (in)dependence on fossil fuels, democracy, and peace interconnected?
Accommodation: In your own tent (please bring a tent, sleeping mat, and a warm sleeping bag); accommodation is on the grounds of the Energy Experience Park. Facilities include toilets (unique composting toilets) and a shower (experience a solar shower).
Group cooking takes place in the common and kitchen building of the Africa House in the Nature Experience Area.
Language: English
Requirements: Interest in climate protection and renewable energies is a prerequisite, as well as a willingness to embrace simple living conditions. Practical skills are helpful but not required.
Approximate Location: Glücksburg, near Flensburg (close to the Baltic Sea)
Notes: Incoming Fee of 50€ for volunteers applying via partner organisations and contacts of SCI: https://sci-d.de/incomingfee.
Camp Photographs