Photographic Search for Traces of NS Forced Labour (Berlin-Schöneweide)

Description: The study camp takes place in cooperation with the International Youth Meeting Centre of the Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre. At the core of the project there will be a preparation of a photo exhibition on the topic of NS-forced labour and an exploration of the former camp and production sites in Berlin Schöneweide and its surroundings. The Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre is located on the grounds of an almost completely intact former forced labour camp in Berlin Schöneweide. The exhibitions, archives, and educational programmes focus on a forgotten victim group: about 8.4 million civilians from all over Europe (up until 2006 without their own memorial site) who were forced to work for the Nazi regime during the Second World War.
Type of Work: During the project “Photographic Search for Traces of NS Forced Labour”, international volunteers will be invited to search for traces of NS-forced labour in different places in Berlin and investigate how these sites were influenced by the Second World War and by Nazi forced labour. The project will be accompanied by a professional photographer who will introduce the participants to photography and help them develop their own visual stories. As a result of the project, the visual stories will become part of an exhibition that will be shown in the Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre.
Study Theme: Memory of Nazi forced labour in Germany and Second World War. Historical and contemporary forms of forced labour worldwide.
Accommodation: Simple accommodation in apartments in Berlin. Possibly also in a hostel. The group will at least partially cater for itself. There is also a nice kitchen in the premises of the Documentation Centre and the possibility to eat as a group.
Language: The common language will be English.
Requirements: No prior knowledge is necessary. Participants should be interested in the history of National Socialism and photography. A motivation letter is required and will be answered ca. 5 days after arriving SCI.
Approximate Location: The study camp will take place in Berlin-Schöneweide located in the south-east of the city. Berlin offers many tourist opportunities with countless museums, exhibitions, sports facilities, flea markets, parks, but also very beautiful nature on the outskirts. Visiting the numerous sights of Berlin, hiking and swimming are possible.
Notes: INCOMING FEE for volunteers applying via partner organizations and contacts of SCI:
Camp Photographs