Kiburanga Community: Daycare school
- Accommodation and food: 168.00 Euro
- Transportation: 52.00 Euro
- Activities: 20.00 Euro
- Hosting organisation support: 40 Euro
Description: Kiburanga Community Based Organisation started in the year 2007. it was registered as a community based organization and since a few years we are cooperating with Service Civil International (SCI) to foster ideas of volunteerism, enhance exchanges and promote mutual understanding and learning more about the benefits of environmental conservation and other activities
1.Involve community in economic development and productivity.
2.Involve community in promotion of gender equality
Type of Work: Join the children teaching program and exchange services!
- Teach small classes
- Help run games and activities
- Painting classroom and gardening
- Cleaning and cooking
- Health foster a sense of community
- Densifying and Addressing Community Needs. ...
- Planning and Organising Events
- Providing Direct Assistance and Support
- Advocating for Change.
Study Theme: International solidarity
Accommodation: The community will accommodate volunteers in a house provide by the host family. There are pit latrines, no running showers but bath-shelter will be provide and majority of homes have no electricity. Volunteers will sleep on the floor affordable mattresses can be purchased in the community or volunteers need to bring their own sleeping mattresses. We strongly advise volunteers to be flexible and easy adapt to the provision of other culture within the local environment and appropriate its uniqueness.
Approximate Location: The project in Kuria region is located near Isebania town, in Migori County, about 380km from the capital city Nairobi, 4 km from Tanzania and it borders Masai-Mara game reserve and lake Victoria. It takes 8 hours from Nairobi to campsite by the public bus towards southwest Kenya.